Disclaimer: Original Kenpo Karate 4.46 System is not endorsed by nor related to Jeff Speakman’s Kenpo 5.0 System.

Grand Master Dave Hebler
First generation Ed Parker Black Belt & Elvis Presley’s personal body guard, Senior Grand Master – Dave Hebler.

If you are running a Kenpo school and you would like to produce quality students. You need to check out Gary Wilson’’s Kenpo 4.46.

If you are running a Kenpo school and teaching the “full Kenpo curriculum” of 154 techniques, 90 extensions and 20 something forms and sets and wondering why you only produce 2 black belts out of every 1000 students and it take those 2 students 5 to 7 years to get to black belt… need to check out Kenpo 4.46.

If you are a non-kenpo school and you would like to add some Kenpo to your curriculum… need to check out Kenpo 4.46.

You’ll be glad you did.

SGM Dave Hebler

Kenpo Gary

“If you’re serious about learning, we want you in our dojo.”

 – Master Gary Wilson